

vrscans vrscans

VRscans deliver physically accurate photoreal materials which are as close to the real sample as a photograph. The innovative scanning technology takes care of all calculations and once the material is scanned you don’t need to worry about workflow of texture maps and tweaking shader settings. The software then takes the data and makes it into a seamless tillable, physical accurate material, ready for use in Maya and 3ds Max using the VRscans plugin. To solve this challenge, the Chaos Group team developed a hardware scanning technology, which takes thousands of pictures of the real-world material illuminated by lights under different angles, capturing the way the material reacts to light. Some real-world materials - to take fabrics as an example can be very complex with multiple layers, threads going in different directions and chameleon-like reaction to light, which makes them difficult to be recreated in 3D. The idea for the technology was born by the need of one of our customer to render materials very realistically and make them into CG materials.


VRscans is the result of years of research and prototyping. VRscans are extremely easy to use too - you load them from your library just like any other material, adjust UV tiling automatically per the physical sample size and apply the VRscans material onto your object with a simple drag-and-drop.
